Tuesday, April 22, 2008

My Car...

I had written a complaint to Perodua website yesterday mentioned about my case and my dissatisfaction after all. I told them this is my second complaint and please take it seriously...

Finally there is someone calling me this morning from Perodua KL. He said they notice my case and will forward my case to related person...

After a while, I received a call from Ipoh... haiz... I already mentioned that the problem happened in Melaka... Then the girl called me ask me is it service in Melaka? I said yes... Then she said she will refer back to HQ as they should forward the case back to Melaka...

The calls were about 9am this morning... Until now, there is no more news... waiting again... unlimited waiting~~~

How old is ur brain?

Thanks to Tung for the game...

Try this flash game and you may know how old is your brain...

1. Click the link Brain Test
2. Press "Start" on the game.
3. After 3,2,1... The screen will show some numbers from 0 to 9 randomly inside a circle. Remember the position of the numbers. After the numbers disappear, click the circle one by one from the smallest number to the largest number.
4. After 10 times, the game will tell you how old is your brain... Haha~~~

Monday, April 21, 2008

Think twice before you want to buy Perodua's car

This is my personal experience... 100% true story....

I have a new car, Perodua Viva and take it on 7th June 2007...

At first the car is quite good...

After few months, the cigarette lighter spoil... I brought the car for warranty claim in Ipoh... However they ask me to wait for the spare part to reach as they need to book it. They told me that I need to wait about 1 week. Finally they called me after 3 weeks...

After 8 months ++, the cigarette lighter spoil again... I just leave it for service later as I seldom use it...

After 9 months, on 7th March 2008, one of the door handle spoil. This time cannot wait anymore. It is very troublesome as the door now cannot be opened from outside. I have booked a slot to service on 11th March 2008 together with the cigarette lighter in Melaka. This time they settled the cigarette lighter on the spot.

However they ask me to wait for the spare part of the door handle to reach. I asked the first girl she told me maybe 2-3 weeks. Then I asked another guy which seems like higher post, he said DON'T KNOW!!! He said they dunno when the spare part will reach! Then he saw my address in Ipoh, so he asked where will I be around as he afraid when the spare part reached then I am not in Melaka. Then I told him I will in Melaka until May. I asked him I no need wait 2-3 months is it? Then the stupid fellow told me he also DON'T KNOW!!!

I really so angry with this answer. Malaysia now very big is it? Even from East Malaysia send to KL then to Melaka, 1 week is also more than enough to reach. Still need to wait 2-3 months or even more than that? Let the spare part walk around Malaysia also enough time la!!! Today is already 21st April 2008. I have waited for SIX WEEKS!!! shit la... so simple spare part like this also not prepared... or a lot of people facing the same problem so they finished up their stock? 6 weeks already... It is so troublesome as every time I need to open the door from inside. Really rubbish service center... No brain!!! I really dun understand why need to wait so long... Until now what news also dun have... I have send an email to complain last few weeks... also no news one... dunno they set the rubbish website for wat? If u dun care customers' complaint, then dun set the website la... wasting time... so so so rubbish. really more rubbish than rubbish... It's like SHIT!


Wednesday, April 16, 2008








從事投資顧問的我,從來都很愛自己的家人,愛自己的伴侶。至少 ,我以為是這樣。

我每天的主要工作是緊貼著香港及美國股市,就是這樣 ,已經花掉大半生時間。餘下的時間就安置在情人、朋友、及家人身上。為了《愛得太遲》的內容,為了對家人、情人的內疚感而流過眼淚,但淚痕風化後,仍雖繼續為「將來 」而賣命。為了《無事常相見》的歌詞,為了曾被冷落的好友而眼淺過,但深呼吸一口氣,還是要營役餘生。

為了未能抽空回家團年,為了未能抽空陪女朋友驗身 ,我們竟花得起寶貴的時間來冷戰。但我想,父母、伴侶,都是最親的人,應該會明白的。

我的生日快要來臨,但沒有期待過,因為,根本沒甚麼值得慶祝 。反而,想一個人靜下來,享受一刻的寧靜。在南丫島的度假屋內,我準備感受一個較孤單的生日。

在晚上,靜坐在度假屋的露台,沐浴在帶有點點鹽份的微風中 ,整個世界都變得很寧靜。突然,我迷迷糊糊的聽見頗陌生的聲音,我再細心一點聽 ……原來,他在跟我說話:?「 ……年青人,我希望今年送您一份很特別的生日禮物,甚麼也可以。」

我想,我大概已經進入了夢境,跟神仙對話。我微笑回應道:? 「是神仙嗎?那……我真的甚麼願望也可以提出?」

第二天,回到戰場上,我看著升得頗急的「森力鋼鐵」,心想 「它還可以升多少天」呢,突然間,有個發光的「 3」字浮在「森力鋼鐵」之上。三天後,它真的插水式回落了。原來,這份生日禮物是 ……真的。

我善用這雙上天賜給我的「眼睛」,在股票市場嬴了很多場勝仗 。不過,我已經有很多天沒有見過家人和女朋友了。

今天回家,一推開門,就向著自己的房間走去,隱約的聽見媽媽說:? 「明天是爸爸生日,你可以回來吃飯嗎?」不過,爸爸立即搶著說:?「不用回來,你忙你的工作吧!」

我放下了工作包,就走到客廳跟爸爸說:?「如果可以的話我會………」突然,我看見爸爸的頭頂出現了一個發光的數字……「35 」。我立即給嚇呆了。之後,我慢慢回到房間,35天後,爸爸會……

爸爸生日那天,我盡能力完成手頭上的工作,回到家,爸爸已經睡了 。我在房間像小朋友的哭起來。三天後,我請了假期跟父母飲早茶,看見爸爸的發光的數字是「34 」……原來,這是我還可以見他的次數。慢慢地,我也看見媽媽的頭上浮現了「45」這個數字。

原來,看著自己跟家人的相處日子在無情的倒數,心,是很痛 ,很痛的。

星期天,被我冷落了的女朋友終於來電,想見一見我 。我們就相約在又一城的COVA見面,因為我記得,她很想到 COVA 吃甜品,但我一直未有時間陪她。我到了好一陣子,她還沒有出現……半小時後,我看見站在大門口的她 ……頭上面出現了「1」字,我……還看見她身邊多了一個「他」。這次之後,我們真的再也沒有見面。

一個星期後,我辭掉了工作,盡量陪伴在家人的左右 ,用儲下來的積蓄跟他們去旅行,直至爸爸患了重病 ……直至爸爸頭上終於出現「單位」數字。最後陪伴爸爸的幾天,我盡量逃避正面面對他,最多也只是低下頭跟爸爸說話 ,因為我不希望看見「3」、「2」、「1」。

在隱約看見爸爸的「1」字那刻,我離開了病房,走到街上。在途中我一直淚流滿面,眼前的東西都已經看得不清不楚。在醫院大門外,我看見媽媽,抹乾眼淚後,她的頭上竟然出現「 1 」字……媽媽…… 我轉身看著身邊的途人,全部都在



我們……是不是要看見「倒數」,才會懂得珍惜可以親眼看見他 / 她的「這一次」。




首先,肃静......沉思一下,究竟知不知道 ............这个故事在讲什么?




Sunday, April 13, 2008




Saturday, April 12, 2008

早婚 OR 迟婚?



Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Final Semester, Final Month to go...

YES... I have not updated this blog for a very long time...

YES... This is my final sem in MMU...

YES... I am rushing my final year project report, 2 assignments, one test, 2 presentations and 2 exams this week and the coming next few weeks...

YES... I am too lazy...

YES... I will be going on 2 graduation trips after my exams...

YES... I will try to be more hardworking in studies and updating my blog...